Easy like Sunday Morning

After yesterday's late night it was all a bit laissez faire this morning in our house. Just how a Sunday morning should be :)

Mr G was gently reminded given a kick up the arse that it is always me that arranges 'stuff'.....even just the simple stuff like evenings out. So, this morning it was lovely to be told I was being taken out for breakfast. Once I had picked myself up from the shock, we went to a local vineyard where they also have a bistro that serves breakfast (I never even knew it was there - or if I did I had forgotten). It was delicious and we then went for a walk around the lake nearby where I took this pic.

We are now chilling before taking the dogs a walk. Tonight we are off to our friends to watching the Olympics closing ceremony, wave union jacks, eat pizza and sing along to the Spice Girls. I have no idea what we will watch on the TV from tomorrow, we have LOVED the Olympics :(

Have a happy Sunday :)

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