Duma the wonder cat

We call him that sometimes as he is the sweetest cat and he will put up with any form of affection and loving I come up with. I can pick him up with his belly up and bury my face in his belly, nuzzling him. I can hold him against my legs with his front legs on the floor and his belly facing out and give him a belly rub. I can wear him like a golden stole around my neck. He takes it all and comes back for more. A very special boy.

I had plans for the day that quickly went awry. It was my own fault. I forgot to tell the WTA to pick up Arvin today and take him to Adult Day Health. This was the first Tuesday for him to go there instead of the Alzheimer's Society of WA Staying Connected group because that one was cancelled. Too few participants, two actually, Arvin and another fellow. So I had to drive him up to Lynden. Luckily they were willing to bring him home so I didn't have to drive up twice.

As I was driving back into Bellingham, heading toward my acupuncture appointment, I stopped on Woburn and Barkley. I was sitting there when "BANG" a car smacked right into the rear of my car. Luckily the driver wasn't going very fast but it was a shock. We drove into the theater parking lot and checked out the car. A couple of minor scratches was all. I took the fellow's information in case I discovered a problem later with the car or with me, and headed on to my appointment.

Paula smoothed out my ruffled feathers with her treatment and I went home feeling relaxed and healed. Oddly I really wasn't very upset when the accident happened. Just surprised. A strange experience.

I had a couple of hours before Arvin came home so I worked on some calendars, had lunch and relaxed with a book, "A Man Called Ove." So far I'm loving it. Really funny and touching.

Steve came over for games and dinner. He beat me twice. I'm in a bit of a losing streak but no worries. The tide will turn. It always does. Steve headed home and Arv and I watched some TV and headed to bed. 

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