Included by a nose

Since I'm away fishing tomorrow afternoon I thought I'd blip a few flies. This wasn't the intended shot but it's the one I liked the most :-)

Speaking of the pope, he's now at the 5-star luxury cat accommodation. "4 big sleeps" I told him. He likes it there but of course he'd rather be at home.

Back to the flies, they're all Damsal Fly Larvae imitations. Who knew there are so many variations on Damsal Fly Larvae flies?! Believe me there are more.

Anyway, Damsal Fly larvae flies are good to fish the high country lakes 11 out of 12 months of the year. Don't ask me what the off month is because I don't know. I do know it isn't October.

If it's nor'westerly (and it will be some of Friday or Saturday) they're a good choice fished downwind of some willow trees. The wind knocks the larvae off the trees and the trout line up down wind to scoop them up.

That's the theory and we all know if it was that easy it would be called catching, not fishing ;-)

Sorry I'm mostly absent. That's the nature of things when I'm juggling work, home, and going away for a few days.

1 more big sleep.

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