twinned with trumpton


A school run and then out into an autumn day; cooler but fine for dotting about on the bike; lethargy notwithstanding (there's still an undercurrent of minor virus that's taking the edge of things; cycling is tougher on hills; no power to drive up hills; stair climbing is slower than it should be...)

Leith was pleasant enough and after the first couple of visits, I didn't really have to speak to anyone (apart from an hour or two with Julie who chummed me for 'training' ) 

And I managed to pick up some food (sea bass fillets mostly) on my travels before another school run and dropping Paul's records off to him and then home. 

I worked for a bit; but crashed out after 5; woke a while later and tried to prioritise the evening and largely got what needed to be done as a spectacular sunset gave way to an even more spectacular sunset. 

Thereafter crap TV and sleep followed.

(extra is the one I couldn't decide between and the view down the Shore / Water of Leith)

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