Halloween Earrings

I haven't taken any other photos today & now it's too dark!

A shorter in time, longer in distance drive to work today! As Jon is back home I was able to leave early. I was away by 6.57 and chose to head for Sprowston Park and Ride instead of the Airport. With more time, I was able to negotiate a brand new route.

It was quite straightforward and made a change, with different scenery, and new villages I passed through. The bus journey was much quicker so I was in work by 8.

At lunchtime I did a bit of browsing in TK Maxx. I love the posh jumble sale feel of this shop, and think I could do all my Christmas shopping in there. I even think I might! I started with some stocking fillers. If I normally buy you a present, dont bother telling me what you want, because I'm just going to buy things I like this year!

I left work at 5.50 and remembered to get the 502 to Sprowston. I was in my car by 5.12 and home at 5.52. In all, much smoother, although a couple of not nice right turns out on to busy roads.

My eldest son is looking at motorbikes. Something else for me to worry about. Cooked dinner, as the rest were down the gym when I got in. Took a photo of my Halloween earrings and have spent some time printing some photos for another project/idea/present!

Friday tomorrow. Who isn't happier on a Friday? Yaay.

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