Oh, Edinburgh

In the morning, we popped up into town on the bus to collect Mr A's tickets for Wednesday (watch that space!), and came home via John Lewis where we acquired some things we needed, and some we didn't (for the kitchen). As you do, in John Lewis. All around us, the retired and older people of Edinburgh were cheerfully emptying their pension pots into the cashtills of JL. The three or four small bits of walking (through Stead's Place, through the station and back to JL, and to the bus stop, and finally back through Jane Street) pretty much cripped my poor knees. After a small supermarket sweep, we had a fairly quiet afternoon in front of some rugby, and then welcomed D and I later on for snacks and drinks, after they'd been to see a film. Mr A had made a delicious smoked salmon and watercress quiche. A late night meant no blipping for me last night.

The extra is the sinking sun taken through the bedroom window.

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