School photo day 2016

Practising her best smile, hahahaha. 

Had to kick the poor kid into action at 6am this morning as the teacher sent home maths homework last night. For today. And we had some forgotten reading - because this year's reading is so pathetic (literally, 4 short pages of reading of a rubbish book as the work for 5 whole days), meaning we'd not done it. She got told off for reading ahead last week. Anyway, she did her sums fine, did her reading fine and then had enough breakfast to feed a builder for the day before she cracked on with a fantastic 75 minutes of piano and clarinet. I remembered with not a great deal of spare time that we needed to do "photo-ready" hair only for it to then be absolutely throwing it down. Not even just a little bit. Totally pouring. We were late anyway so jumped in the car and made it through the gates by the skin of our teeth. We were at the classroom door when Katie gave me a mischievous look and a cheeky giggle, before pulling Monkey out from under her cardigan. She did hand him over with a laugh rather than disgust, at least! 

Hopefully the rain will ease off as she likes her dance class on a Tuesday lunchtime and its not on when it is wet playtime. I'm picking her up a bit early so we can get to clarinet. Her teacher is away from Friday for a month (Katie is a mixture of furious and heartbroken) so this week she's having three lessons - one for each clarinet and a piano lesson. 

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