The Gang's All Here

I met some of the Alzheimer's folks at Luna Bistro for lunch at 11:30 and then we all went to see Queen Katwe. It was a delightful movie. I loved everything about it. The people were beautiful. It was an uplifting story based on a true event. It was fascinating to see parts of Uganda. I have not been to any place in Africa so this was a treat to see. And I loved the music too. A really enjoyable film. 

When I got home I spent some time on the deck putting peanuts in the birds' water bath. This time I happened to catch five birds all at once working to get some peanuts. It was fun. And now the squirrels are taking peanuts from my hand. I really enjoy the creatures on our deck.

Steve came over for dinner and games. Again he beat me solidly. He is on a winning and I am on a losing streak. Ah well. Then we watched a fascinating show about the migration of early humans all over the world.

The day was going great but getting Arvin ready for bed was not so wonderful. Lately he just wants to go right to bed. But there are things to do like brush his teeth, take out his hearing aids and contact lens, take his medications. When he started putting his pills in his water instead of taking them I got frustrated and put the wet pill in his mouth whereupon he spit it out. I should have let it go but I got so frustrated I just screamed. This was so not good. We talked and I apologized for my behavior. And I hoped the neighbors hadn't heard because I screamed really loud. I have to say I never ever do that so I shocked both Arvin and myself. I hate to admit that my patience is pretty thin these days. I wish it weren't but it is.

Reminds me of the time when I was Coordinator of the Learning Center at Whatcom Community College and I caught some guys printing pornography on the computer room printer. I was really mad and I confronted them firmly. (I didn't scream but I did raise my voice and they could tell I was really angry.) They started to come back at me but thought better of it and left. When they were gone the room was in complete silence and every student there was staring at me. In all the years I worked there nobody had ever seen me mad and they were shocked. Several of the fellows told me they were ready to come to my aid if the guys who I was scolding tried anything. I explained why I was mad and after awhile we all calmed down and the day continued in the usual way with me being calm and relaxed and the students feeling comfortable again. Funny how one thing makes you think of another. 

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