
By ciorstain

Another fun day mixed with work

I had to work unfortunately and luckily did not miss my first conference call due to late night talking. Last 2 days were intense and I found it hard to find my way back into work after a long weekend. 
While I was slaving away Marcus was walking into town and managed to meet the band of tonight accidentally!
They were having a coffee break during set up and sound check and offered putting us on the guest list. Pity that I had bought already tickets. 3 even as Neil was meant to be with us.
I finished work at 5pm and after a coffee at the Smile Café we got ready for the evening.
We had dinner at Hanoi Bike Shop and Marcus loved it! This place is truly becoming my favourite eatery!
We then went to Òran Mòr - the concert venue.
I had not seen Swans for probably 25 years, and that time it was with Marcus even. So I was looking forward to a crazy loud performance. 
Well, I was not disappointed :). They played exactly 5 songs in 2.5 hrs and blasted the fuses twice (both during the same piece).
After the concert was finished Marcus introduced me to the guitarist that he knows since years. Very nice person, German actually.
We went for a short walk in the fresh air, before heading home to sit in the kitchen with a drink and  - who had guessed - we talked for another few hours!

Oh - my new lens arrived today as well. I now own a 24-105 f4. I was contemplating this lens for a long time and finally decided to buy it. It was highly reduced, because there is a new model on the way.
Poor Marcus had to be victim for all my many test shots, but as you can see, he was having fun pulling faces for me.
This is his" Zoolander" face :)

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