Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A quiet day

Gym, then off to the hairdresser this morning to have my hair cut. Her 'I'll just take one inch off' always equates to two, but I am not complaining as it looks fine. This is the view of the duck pond over the road from my hairdresser - it was very quiet there with the geese just bobbing about on the water and not really ruining the reflections.

I must start packing for our departure on Sunday - as we are only taking cabin baggage Gavin wonders why I have to even think about what to pack, his view is just throw one or two things in the bag as you can't take much. My view is my packing is even more complicated now as I cannot take much and need to carefully co-ordinate my clothing so I can make do with the same pair of shoes for every outfit - women will understand how tricky this is!

Thomas informs me that on Sunday before we go to the airport he has been invited to go to London by one of his music teachers for a special trumpet workshop by some brilliant trumpeter...aargh, too complicated to fit that in, thankfully he has managed to wriggle out of that one. A pity these opportunities come at an inopportune time.

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