Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


Miss Casper has been featured before in my journal but the last time I saw her she was barely sitting up.  Now she is 11 months old and very mobile.  She crawls a mile a minute and walks holding onto furniture.  I spent 3 hours with her today and we had a wonderful time playing together.  I was surprised that she sat still long enough for this image but she really loves standing and climbing sitting on the big chair.

Thank you very much to everyone who visited my journal and left stars and hearts yesterday, I really appreciate all of them! 

Casper is wearing pink to remind everyone that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  It's free to click on the pink bar in this LINK to support breast cancer research and offer a free mammogram to someone in need.  Please copy this link and add it to your blips to help spread the word. 

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