Dancing Jays

Here they are again, the Steller's Jays who visit the Chaikins of Bellingham regularly, enjoying a game of bobbing for peanuts. It was gray and rainy most of the day but late in the afternoon the weather cleared and the jays and I decided to play. The weather has been very uncooperative, so today we had a good time in the brief sunshine, or as they are called here, sunny breaks. You can see more photos of the jays on Chaikins of Bellingham.

I had a busy day. I spent an hour and a half with Leah at Silverado working on the paperwork for Arvin's admission. Together we came up with a plan. If all goes well, Arvin will be a day visitor until my trip in January. Then he will move into the room we chose for him today. He'll be sharing with another man whom Leah thinks would be a good roommate for Arvin. By that time Arvin should be very comfortable and familiar with the place. And Leah will have time to be sure that he and his roommate really are compatible. If you know Arvin, please don't mention this all to him. We are introducing him to this idea gradually and he does not know about the details of my trip. I do feel that this gives me time to adjust to the idea and Arvin time to feel at home at Silverado. Nothing is cast in concrete but I do feel positive about this plan.

After my interview with Leah I drove to Costco and did a big shopping for the usual things we get there. Then I came home and finished reading A Man Called Ove before Arvin got home and Steve came over for the evening. I really loved that book by the way and recommend it to anyone thinking of reading it. 

Kai is in Olympia visiting her kids so Steve has been over more often than usual. I like that because I really enjoy his company. We are seven years apart, me the oldest and him the youngest of the three of us. From the time he was young he and I have spent lots of time together. We did a lot of art together when he was little. And I helped Mom take care of Steve when he had polio at age four. Luckily you would never know that now. He is the most physically fit of the three of us.

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