AbstractThursday69 Pets

I am not short of subject matter for this weeks theme as we have three cats to choose from.  Getting them to pose suitably is another matter altogether.  For my main image I have chosen a rather reluctant Tinkerbell, who even as I was taking the shots began to move away from the camera.
My extra is of Peggy Sue, who was glaring out of the window at some bothersome bird when I took this.  Lilly remained upstairs comfortable on a (forbidden) bed and made it clear that she was unavailable.
For both photos, I've used fluorescent glow in PS and added some sparkle with Topaz Star Effects.  So there you have them: twinkly Tinkerbell and sparkling Peggy Sue.

Our wonderful host for these past 69 weeks of Abstract Thursday has been Youoregon1, who has been tireless in inspiring us and commenting so generously on  our efforts. This week he said this:

This will probably be the last week I will be able to host the Abstract Thursday Challenge due to a demanding work schedule. My fifty plus hour work week pretty much puts a hole in most of my waking hours, and my time with Layne has just now become even more limited. Anyone interested in taking on the challenge, indefinitely or monthly, should give me a shout so that any possible transition can be smoothed out.
Message my latest blip, or at cameraready.roberto@gmail.com
The interaction during the past 69 weeks has been most gratifying, as I have witnessed remarkable achievements in abstract photography and wish dearly to continue with our wonderful digital art relationship, but the feedback I give to you all is at the crux of it all, and that time is no longer available.

Completely understand but we shall miss you greatly.  Hopefully you will keep on blipping and even put up an abstract from time to time.
I shall certainly continue with  abstracts.  Without a doubt this is my favourite challenge.

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