The John F. Kennedy Library

Dear Diary,

What a fascinating place the JFK Library in Boston is.  We spent several hours there taking in all the amazing exhibits and walking down memory lane.   It was a bit of a "back to the future" experience!  The building was designed by the famous I.M. Pei and I just had to render it in a monochrome image today.  Most of the videos we watched inside were in black and white too.  That was our world back in 1960 but his inauguration speech, so inspirational, was in color and I sat and listen to it with tears in my eyes.

There was a campaign office set up and I told Karen about stuffing envelopes when I was 12 as part of a civics class and we both cried watching the Walter Cronkite television broadcast of JFK's assassination.  I had to read Kennedy's book Profiles in Courage in high school and I think I will reread it soon.  I would like some inspiration to off-set the nasty campaign we are experiencing now.

One of the exhibits showed a store window of the era with all sorts of items that were very familiar to both of us.  I've added it as an extra photograph.  I remember getting one of those hairdryers in a round carrying box when I was about 14.  Just the latest thing at the time!  The Game of Life and the Etch-a-Sketch brought back memories too.  Today I head to New Hampshire to visit cousins and then finally home to Emerson.  A busy week!

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