Wood Duck

I finally got a chance to take a long walk in the park this morning. I was delighted to see this fellow and his mate as I entered the park and stopped at the first viewpoint at Scudder Pond. I met another photographer there and we had a lovely chat. Soon his wife and two friends came up and we all talked. It turned out they knew of my hummingbird video. One of the ladies said she had showed it to her grandkids and they spent the day pretending to be hummingbird mothers and babies. And they were four little boys. That definitely made my day.

Then I went to Avenue Bread and had lunch with my friend Carroll. I really like her and enjoyed the chance to have a good talk. She works full time so that isn't always easy.

Arvin is home and Steve is coming for games and dinner tonight. I'd better bring this to a close and head up to be with Arvin. Have a great evening and day everybody.

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