
We've just had "Trick or Treaters" at the door  -  a small boy of about four and his father, luckily I had something in to treat them with.  I've been stumped with the Maltese Falcon theme, but I found Dollykgray's other choice of Halloween less difficult.  It's another graveyard shot but I do like pottering about in cemeteries and reading all about the residents.  I didn't do much of that today, but I still enjoyed walking there it's so peaceful.  Please excuse the green tinge, it's rather stronger than I intended.

Prior to my visit to the cemetery I'd spent a good bit of time commissioning my new coffee machine;  I do wish they'd include a manual with actual words instead of pictures and diagrams  -  I'd get the job done in half the time I'm sure.

Thank you againto Dollykgray for hosting the challenge this month. :-))

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