More Fungi....

What a cold day it's been, I got up with the intention of either going to watch birds or to the deer park, but in the event I didn't do either.  I did some Pilates (because it was about time I did) and then I decided it was too close to lunch time to go out.  Consequently afterwards I didn't feel like it  -  which if I'm honest I suppose I knew first thing this morning.

My blip today if from the garden;  I had the choice of beautifully dried and curled up leaves, fungi similar to some I did a couple of weeks back and this type which I hadn't noticed before  - I chose these because they were a bit different.  Thank you to  Ninniex  for hosting the TT challenge this month.

Thank you for all the great comments, stars and hearts left for my Hallowe'en blip yesterday, I'm so pleased so many of you liked it.

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