My sister......!

This is sister number three in the line; she's the one after me....and she is fantastic! She has a wonderful sense of humour and is always full of fun. And she is a breast cancer survivor, having had breast cancer and a mastectomy ten years ago now. 

Vuddo Valerie is also a wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin, a very accomplished secretary, has completed the MOON walk marathon......and...and.... I love her lots. Well, we all do of course. So on this final day of BCAM I post a photo of her, thanking God for her recovery and with prayers for continued good health. 

My extra shows we four on a day together earlier this year. Always great days!

Please click the link one last time this month, but do continue clicking as often as you can, to donate a mammogram to someone who would benefit from having one. Thank you!

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