My Day, My Life

By SixtySix66

Ants Invasion

The best laid plans etc

Well we were going to take My Girl karting this evening but between getting out of the car and getting to the front door of the house she managed to injure herself.

Not too badly but she was a bit sore and shaken.

So due to unforeseen circumstances tonights karting session was postponed until further notice.

Instead we all sat down to watch a family film, the unanimous choice was the recent Muppet movie.
Now when I said "we all" what I really meant was I watched the majority of it alone while Mrs blip went back and forth looking for a book and My Girl texted her best friend and anyway she'd seen it already.

We all managed to watch the last 20 minutes together, so that was something I suppose.

So come bedtime, I hear much to-ing and fro-ing upstairs and then a call for me to "get the dyson"

Well when Mrs blip had been tending to My Girls injuries, earlier in the evening, the main bedroom light had been switched on and the window was open to keep the room cool.

Of course it was still daylight then.

But by now our bedroom resembled Butterfly world, minus the butterflies.

Eventually the room was bug free.

I saved everything that was large enough to catch by hand but I'm afraid Mrs blip wasn't so forgiving and I'm sorry to report that a great many didn't make it.

There were a further 3 large moths that seemed to appear out of thin air but they were caught and released.

Hopefully none of these guys managed to find their way in.

I haven't heard any screams from upstairs yet.

But the night is young!

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