Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Bite your tongue...

The rain that was forecast for today never seemed to materialize and the temperatures stayed in the sixties so I was able to potter around in the yard and just enjoy the day.  It was unbelievably tranquil sitting out on our patio, listening to the chirps and soft calls of birds while watching Scoobie and the squirrel twins scamper about.  Tea in one hand, camera in the other - perfect way to let the sadness slip away for a while.  And, how can you not smile when you get to watch a little striped rodent doing ridiculously cute things?  In case you are wondering what in the world he's doing with his tongue out ... he was in the midst of a very thorough bath when I took this, licking his paws before washing his face, belly and tail.  (Two more pictures of Scoobie and one of an American Robin, starting HERE on Flickr.)

It also seemed to be a good visual message that I wish more people would adhere to - that is to bite one's tongue rather than lash out in anger.  I know I am thin-skinned at the moment, and more inclined to let little things upset me...but that said, when I read some of the meanness on social media platforms, it horrifies me and makes me feel ashamed.  I've seen people I know write some amazingly mean things on Facebook  and it makes me wonder what on earth they are thinking.  It all revolves around the political divide that exists in our country - one that is playing out in the media for the entire world to witness.  I don't know when we got to a point where we couldn't discuss our differing views like sane, mature adults - and when did it become okay to be so mean to people just because they have a different point of view?  Wow.  So today, I made a decision to disconnect from some people - not because I disagree with their political beliefs but because their anger and mean-spirited rhetoric is just too difficult.  I made a personal decision some time ago not to hold on to anger, not to let anger guide my life.  For me, that was a really good decision and I feel so much better for it.  But I think it also makes me more sensitive, perhaps, to people who use anger to express their views.  

Well, enough of my philosophizing.  I find writing is an effective way to process my feelings about various things - which may explain why some of my journal entries probably seem to go on ad nauseam at times!  

Hubs is flying home late tomorrow night.  I am counting the hours as I'm missing him terribly right now.  

Thank you so much for all of the positive and supportive messages - I've read each one and been touched deeply.  


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