Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Nature Therapy

Today was one of those unusually warm fall days with temperatures pushing 70 F.  After a morning appointment with the podiatrist, and a frustrating trip to the grocery store, I was so ready to be outside just enjoying the weather.  I worked in my new garden for awhile, planting 50 more iris bulbs, some more montauk daisies and a few other bits and pieces.  Something therapeutic about digging in the dirt.  

After I'd finished planting, the temps were warm enough that a number of interesting things were out in the garden, so I grabbed the macro lens and ended up taking nearly 200 photos.  This is some sort of hoverfly (syrphidae).  I have no idea which one, as there are many.  There was also a larger one, probably a drone fly (see Extra).  In addition, I spotted several spiders, including one that was so tiny I couldn't even really see it through the lens, and a smallish jumping spider (who was first seen devouring a fly).  A short while later, when I checked the plant that both spiders were on, the tiny one was gone.  And then I spotted the little jumper who I guess had decided that a tiny spider would make a perfect dessert.  At a different time, I would have posted that photo, but right now after all that's happened, it didn't feel right.  That said, I did post it on Flickr and you can see both spiders starting HERE.

My emotions are stretched thin at the moment.  I find that I burst into tears the moment things aren't going smoothly, and am quick to get angry at things that aren't at all important.  I know this is all part of my coping process, but it still unnerves me a bit.  I'm grateful to have friends who are checking in with me regularly; and also want to thank all of you for your continuing support.

Tomorrow is forecast to rain most of the day, so perhaps I'll try to do some more focus stacking using my little soft box and the Helicon software.  

Keep well, people - and don't forget to give someone you love a hug.


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