Blooming heck!

Party Girl came for coffee in the morning as we had both had a garbled message from Friend and we were quite non-plussed as to what had happened to whom and whom she wanted us to check on! We think the morphine had caused her to believe her worst fear regarding her daughters had materialised. Once all had been cleared up we had a good old natter and she finally got her birthday present from me! She had given me a gorgeous mug for my birthday and she got a mug back! It has black flowers on the outside and as the heat from the drink warms it the flowers change to colour! I showed her my toe and after she had googled "broken toe" declared that was what mine was! asit would take 5-6 weeks to heal i loming hope it isn't!
After she left I took it into my head to move the jade plant  in the conservatory as it was flowering but all the buds facing away from me towards the garden - blooming madness! I swear my Jade plant weighs more than me and it is nearly as tall as me and a great deal fatter round the middle! You know how the story goes - move one thing and it has a domino effect - all plants change position! But I now have a much tidier and lighter conservatory! Plumbago pruned and banished upstairs until next year! 
On arrival at the allotment I was greeted by allotment cat with a rat in it's mouth walking down the path! Good cat! I fitted he clear cover to the coop to prevent the leak it has into the nesting box. Should also mean it will be  bit cosier too - not so many chickens now and Daisy is on borrowed time and takes quite a while to get herself together and come out of the coop in the morning - I know the feeling! 
After this just time to capture the flowers on my plot - the lettuce has bolted, the squash are looking wilted and the beans have gone to dry sticks, but the Lupins, Cornflowers, Cleomes, Nasturtium, Verbena and this and other Cosmos are still blooming!

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