
I met Colourful Mai in her lunchbreak for a brief walk and a meal in the village. I was able to wear soft boots so I don't think my toe can be broken! We sat in the window of Lische and waved to people we knew as they passed and some came in for a chat! My favourite being Camera Man! Unfortunatly, in more ways then one, Mai had to leave to work again, so I waited for othe people to pay and idly glanced around the tastefully decorated Cafe. Spotted an old  clock on the wall and went up close to listen to its tick tock, and realised it was for sale! I love the soothing and calming sound of a clock, so bought it! On moving it it stopped, so I swung it's pendulum again and again! So Lische owner called the old gentleman who was selling it to come and fix it! He is a lovely genteel man I used to meet walking my dog, sadly he now has Parkinsons. He told me the history of the clock, the fact it had to be on a level surface with a slight tilt back! Wind it everyday at the same time! Any problems call him! I will blip it sometime and give more fascinating details!
Took a lot of positioning to get it working once home, and he had said it chimed on the hour - well it rings the hour! Come midnight I thought it was going to clang itself to pieces!
Evening was at Party Girls for bonfire and fireworks and mulled wine! Her dad builds an enormous bonfire- this year so dry his usual trick of pouring petrol on it was not needed! As usual it was huge! I got chatting to a cousin taking photos - he showed me his Flickr site - oh my! He is good! He also told me about this site for knowing the exact spot for sun and moon rises.It rained during the fireworks, but I managed to get a few, then inside for chats and more mulled wine! Home for the chiming of the midnight hour!
My sister arrives tomorrow so looking at your Journals will be even more sporadic and not to time!

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