Grain silos

Somewhere on our travels today I saw these interesting silos. We are 1000 kms from home. We have been taking turns driving for 100k each. The roads we took today were very quiet back roads through towns I hadn't visited before. Most would not rate as a town, just a few houses together in the middle of nowhere. We went to Manilla, Bingara, Barraba, Warialda and Texas to name a few. Many settlements in Australia are named after other towns or countries, you rarely get anything interesting unless it is of Aboriginal origin.

It is one year since our Mum died.

Tonight we are in Queensland in a large city called Toowoomba ... heading to the coast tomorrow to see Bob's brothers.

Extra is of paddocks ready for planting. They grow peanuts here. It was hot, about mid 30s and you can see the heat haze. There are strong winds blowing which are causing the haze. There are fires after the wet winter and lots of plant growth.

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