Another tower

Today I set off for the Tree Shop at Cairndow, to buy some trees for the garden. I'd already reserved one, Betula pendula 'Tristis', back in the summer and bought another birch and a lovely sorbus. They're not cheap, but they have a good choice and they're in good nick, whch is more than you can say for some other garden centres around Argyll.

On the way along Loch Awe I drew in and had a good explore of St Conan's Kirk, which deserves to be Blipped, but then it deserves a whole slide show to itself. In spite of deleting some earlier extras, I still don't seem to have any spares.

Rounding Loch Awe, I stopped to photograph Kilchurn Castle from across the other side of the loch. I didn't park in the lay-by where everyone stops, but drove on a bit and climbed the fence. My view was side on, with a sunlit angle and a shaded angle. All their pictures would be head-on sunny! It's always worth trying to be a bit different.

On the way back from Inveraray I trudged through a wet field to take some pictures of a lovely ruined house, which also deserved to be Blipped, and then before rounding Loch Awe in the homeward direction I had another look across the water, photographing St Conan's Kirk, the Lochawe Hotel and the house in this picture, Tower of Glenstrae. It's about half a mile away.

A wonderful afternoon - sunshine and autumn colour!

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