Apple of my Eye

Apple of my eye or not! Let me introduce Rockie - Rockie the Rhode Island Red - it falls off the tongue don't you think?  :) Princess Rockie maybe? She is helping herself to the windfalls and very nice they are if we had a chance at getting them. My morning At Bushy Park was completely hi-jacked if you were wondering.

She is a little minx, naughty but nice. She bit me yesterday - Nooo you are thinking ... chickens peck, chickens don't bite. Oh yes they do! When they are throwing a tantrum, being a princess and generally not getting their own way there is no mistaking  a peck for a bite or visa versa. It was a food issue: she had come into the utility and was woofing down the dog food with the little bullied terriers !!!!!!!! standing back. They are not wimps!...? Lifting her up unceremoniously I got 'The Look" (get your own back time I think here) and then a peck?  ...Ooo she was not a happy bunny! 

So concerned and amazed by the USA elections here. Totally unbelievable.

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