Cold and Dark

We woke to snow, not the pretty kind just the cold grey miserable sort;  it only lasted until lunchtime but when I went out in the early evening to blip it, the light was grey and flat.  Most of the shots I overexposed, so it wasn't a successful trip   -   and so cold, I was really glad to get back home.

Joanne rang me to let me know that finally she's had her tooth out; through a catalogue of errors and political correctness she's suffered with it far longer than she needed to.  It was described as an emergency a fortnight ago and this morning she got a hospital appointment for 5th December.  However during the night she was so ill that Ric drove her to A & E and this afternoon they took it out.  It seems that because she has cancer, it often deters inexperienced medical staff  from doing what's necessary because they're worried they may be called to account. Anyway she's comfortable and cheerful now  -  as for me, I'm going to have a cup of tea and some chocolate mousse.

Thank you BobsBlips for hosting the WidWed challenge.

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