Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Beautiful Place

Well I've cheated a little with more images from Stanton in another Collage!

It was just such a lovely, peaceful place to 'just be' and reflect on life in general(and I'm missing being there already)!

I promise myself that next year (when hopefully I'm in a better job with more money) I will maybe go for a whole week :) I tried to book a couple of days in October, but they are fully booked!!

Billy was obviously pleased to see me back~he slept on my bed as usual last night thank goodness (and the purrs were as loud as ever!). He has been a little sneezy so I will keep an eye on him, and he also has a slightly torn ear and had a scabby bit on his shoulder, so has been fighting :(

I think he really must be a one person cat!!!

I have located a cat sitter, thanks to a contact with someone from Cats Protection, and also through another contact there, a cattery (which is linked to the RSPCA), so I'm following up those links for another time!

Last night I finished the book I was reading this week (John Ortberg~If you want to walk on the water, You've got to get out of the Boat), so now I might read John Ortberg's other book that's also been sitting on my shelves for a while. I think the first book has taught me a few things.....I really must get out of the boat!!!

Well I promised myself I might clear out the understairs and repaint it over the next few days, and here it is nearly lunchtime, and I've not even started hmmm....

Off out for a cuppa tea with a good friend this afternoon (and to probably do some craftwork there too!) so looking forward to that :):)

Have a great day blippers!

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