Far Away In Space .

I went to bed late, very late. Looking through the bedroom window I saw a very small bright flickering light. Not a plane as 20minutes later still in the same spot. A planet or a star ? Out on the balcony wearing only my dressing gown. Here's what I managed using tripod, full optical zoom, and quite a bit of digital zoom. It's not a button.  Once in the laptop it's blue. The bedroom window faces south .Have searched Dr Google but as its 03:13 am here I give up and will sleep . Silly ? Yes and No .  A '0°c  paradise'  on the balcony in the wee small hours and fiddling around .....It must be light years away so--- Makes me feel very, very young .:)
Couldn't give up searching :)The answer is in the colour. 'Uranus' which is seemingly blue and visible most of the night .... WOW ..Beam me down or beam me up I'm elated.
The very clear sky made this possible. Cold weather has it's rewards.:)

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