
"There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."
- Leonard Cohen

Another miserable day amongst devastated colleagues, and now I'm surrounded in a new shroud of sadness and Hallelujah.  Oh Leonard, farewell.   Meanwhile my cold has developed an irritating tickly cough that rumbles around in my chest for a while before it escapes; the theatre was double booked by someone during my rehearsal time next Monday, and it took five hours to sort all the survey comments and then write just two paragraphs of qualitative data analysis.

Other than that it was a beautiful day.

Oh, and I forgot to mention the wasps. Since the nest was removed two days ago the few wasps that are left in my lounge are now in death throws so painful to watch that I am doing the best that I can to shorten their misery using kitchen towel and a large rock. It isn't nice. 

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