Sunrise in Istanbul

07.50 - Turkey did not put back the clocks, so I get to see sunrise without having to wake up at daft o'clock.  All I had to do was get a three step stool and stick my head out of the skylight. Graceful it wasn't. We Blippers have to suffer for our art.

I am also suffering for my Masters. Currently 23.05, and I've been writing and deleting pretty much since I got down from the three step stool fifteen hours ago, apart, that is,  from the odd venture in to Facebook Land to see videos of the now one year old Aya in Frankfurt who is walking. Trying to avoid news about the Trump, as I must focus on polysyllabic eduspeak, and the vocabulary that he incites in my brain is inappropriate for a Masters thesis. 

Submission date is tomorrow. Yikes. 

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