Feeling Lucky

Unfortunately, a drear photo for a cold, damp and dreary weather wise day - which is, the only unsuccessful part of this particular 24 hours.  Arrived home at 1.30am and fell in to bed exhausted as my body clock thought it was 4.30am.  Still woke early though, and was in the High Street by 10am, looking for a new smart winter coat to wear to York Minster on Wednesday. Found the PERFECT garment in the first shop I went in to - Laura Ashley! Feeling lucky, I decided to carry on shopping and during the next 90 minutes I managed to fill two bags with clothes that I really liked - several from H&M including a second coat (!) padded style with hood, for those super cold days of snow in Istanbul and wind in the Hague - and apparently, cold November days in Chelmsford, too.  Home for lunch, then satisfied and satiated, indulged in a restorative afternoon nap.

Bro and youngest nephew came late afternoon - after I'd done a grocery run at Asda - they played Monopoly, I watched the Rugby - Wales V Australia, and knitted more little hats for the Innocent drinks campaign for Age UK.  

The day was rounded off with dinner and a couple of pints in the Fox and Raven with bro, and wore my new coat from H&M to walk there cos it is so darn cold.  

A perfect day at home, who could ask for more? - well better weather maybe - but then I wouldn't have been able to wear my new coat..... 

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