Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

At risk?

A couple years ago we had some members of the Galiano Conservancy over here to help us become "stewards" of this land. They had a list of many plant and animal "species at risk" for our area and we walked all over trying to find them. This red-legged frog is on that list, but I sat by our pond today and watched at least 4, right in front of me. (I'm positive that's what it is!) Picked this one for the lovely red under that leg.... apparently they like mature forests so habitat loss is their issue.
It's been a nice quiet week, hot today, but it's about to change. Son #2, d-i-l and 3 grandchildren(their 2 boys, Niklas and Oskar, and Tatum whose Dad will pick them up next weekend) are now about to get on the ferry headed here -- the parents will stay a few days and then it's us and grandchildren camp! We're ready!! (I think.....)

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