My Best Efforts - Year 3


Leycesteria formosa...........

.....................known as Himalayan Honeysuckle. I really like this shrub very much indeed. The purple "parachutes" are not flowers - they are bracts. The flowers are tiny and white and hang from the bracts. They mature into dark purple berries much beloved by birds. If you look carefully, you can see berries forming in the top bract on the left hand side of the pic.. (if you try on large, the berries are easier to see)

I so wish that I had owned a decent camera last Autumn - one morning whilst eating my breakfast, glancing out of the dining room window, I became aware of the fact that the bush was shaking quite violently. Oh heck, what's that? It was a blackbird under the bush jumping up and down, grabbing one of the berries, eating it and jumping up to get another! Must have continued for at least 10 minutes! I
was almost mesmerised and it really was a sight to behold.
Am hoping he returns this year and I will try to get a picture of him - was quite hilarious!

Weather wise, it's not been a bad week at all. Have a good week all of you.

Was delighted to be informed that "Similar but Different" got to the Spotlight Page. What can I say except to thank all my Blip friends for their comments , stars and Hearts. So I'll just say "thank you " yet again. Alma

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