Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Not unlike yesterday's shot, this isn't technically great ... but it's not often I get more than one male cardinal in the frame so it is my choice for today.  There were actually three bright red males in the cherry tree and although it initially appeared that they were going to coexist, a spat quickly broke out.  Males of this species will aggressively defend their territory during the breeding season, sometimes chasing other males for surprisingly long distances.  As winter approaches, though, I am more likely to see them coexisting somewhat peacefully.  The red of the birds against the remaining bright orange leaves on the cherry tree on a cloudy morning made the colors of this really vibrant.  Minor crop.

Hubs and I are meeting with an elder attorney this afternoon to talk about options for his mother, who was under my brother-in-law's care in Alabama before he passed away.  Many layers of things to sort out before we can make any decisions ... and without the luxury of time.  Trying to just keep looking forward.

The weather here continues to be beautiful and warmer than usual.  I had a nice walk this morning and didn't even need a jacket (as long as I kept my pace brisk).  And, although we desperately need rain, I am enjoying the sunshine right now - it makes everything seem more hopeful, somehow.

My second choice today is on Flickr - a very handsome red-bellied woodpecker, talking to me.  No signs of Scoobie today, but I left a few peanuts at the entrance to his burrow.  When he's ready to settle in for the winter, he'll seal the entrance to his burrow so that it will be impossible to see.  Sometime in February, he'll make his way out, hopefully to find a willing female to mate with - then he'll return to his bachelor's quarters until spring.  

Thank you for stopping by.  And thank you so very much for all the kind comments, stars and faves on my zippy titmouse yesterday!


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