The Last Shot!

16 months after my diagnosis I finally had my last Herceptin treatment this morning. It's been a long journey and I'd like to thank you all for your support - what a fabulous community this is!

I've been having some pain recently that I haven't had before, so I mentioned it to Rachel my nurse, and she said that my surgeon, Charles had an outpatients clinic today so she'd ask him if he could see me, which he did. He gave me a thorough examination and said that basically it's still the effects of the surgery and radiotherapy, and that I should just keep massaging it and keep up with the swimming. So that was reassuring and I'll see him again in January for my first mammogram.

So this is a shot (pardon the pun) of the treatment I've talked about, and after 12 months of it, I'm not sorry to see the back of it!

In other news I met Jane for lunch and then went to help Elif prepare for her Autumn and Winter launch in the shop this evening, so I've been busy steaming clothes for her! Now I'm home and it's time for champagne to celebrate the end of a chapter and the start of the next one :-)

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