Ready, Steady, Go!

After two weeks of not swimming due to my cold, I went back to the pool this morning.  I was still a bit wheezy but still managed to do 40 lengths - need to start building it up again and of course I've not forgotten about my 'Swim the Channel Challenge'!

Then this afternoon I met Sarah, Jan and Chrissy for lunch at Cote Brasserie.  It was lovely to catch up with everyone and to have a couple of glass of fizz seeing as I was celebrating and it is Fizzy Friday after all :-)

After lunch Jan, Chrissy and myself walked to the beach to watch the sunset and of course the murmuration from the pier.  It was windy and bitter cold!  The starlings tend to take off and land back on this plinth so instead of a blip of the murmuration you've got more of an abstract shot.

Tonight Claire is coming to stay and we're going out into Rottingdean, but before we go out, we're having Prosecco in the Palace.  It's already nice and warm, and the lights and music are on ready for when she arrives.   And on that note I'd better go and get ready, hope you all have a good night too!

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