The dangers of over-energetic flossing

I took this photo yesterday (Thursday) but didn't feel like uploading it.
After being scolded by my dental hygienist last week for not flossing properly and using my TePes only half-heartedly, I've been really getting stuck in this last few days to show her in 3 months time what a good girl I am.
Unfortunately the over-energetic flossing resulted in this MASSIVE filling flying at speed across the bathroom and becoming embedded in a towel. (The reason that the spoon is in the shot is to demonstrate the size of the filling.)
I now have a gaping great hole in my mouth, which is quite uncomfortable. Another appointment this afternoon with the dentist, so that's 2 whole days virtually wasted. Luckily Thursdays and Fridays are my "days off". Gggrrr.....  I can't even say Gggrrr properly at the moment. Gggrrr................

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