Flower Friday : : The Same Hydrangea

These are the very same hydrangeas I've already photographed a couple of times. There is no water left in the vase  pot, the grasses, which were mere spikes when I first put them in, have feathered out and dried and nothing has changed color. I'm beginning to realize that I have a lot of things in the garden that I can put in a dried arrangement that will last until it needs to be dusted....

Today was the beginning of the countdown to Thanksgiving. I gave up on a project I've had in mind for awhile since last weekend and devoted a good portion of the day to chasing spiders and spiderwebs with a yellow synthetic duster thingy on a long pole, dust with a special 'magnetic' cloth and dog hair...enough to make a coat for myself...with the dreaded vacuum cleaner. 

That has left me with just enough time to  jump into something other than the same clothes I wore to class this morning and greet my brother who is here until Tuesday  when Matt, Amy and Claire and Julia arrive. I am going down the road to Cindy's ladies' party and Cindy's husband Bruce is coming here with their enormous dogs so he won't have to take the dogs and hang out in his office downtown to stay out of the way of the ladies.

OilMan has been toiling all day on a guys' dinner of beef stew and salad, adding things to the crop pot hourly. I thought the idea of a cook pot was to throw everything in it at dawn and let it cook slowly all day. He's certainly nailed the cooking slowly all day part...I'm sure the boys will have a good time eating beef and watching a basketball game, while we eat cheese and crackers and other goodies and drink wine and pink punch.

Ozzie will hang out on the couch and Banjo and Hank will get  every dog toy out of the baskets at either end of the house and bring them into the living room.

Now why did I spend all day vacuuming?

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