Red Tail Hawk

For once, I was in the right place in the right time with the right camera to get a series of pictures of this hawk who had just flown to the top of a telephone pole with a small rodent of some kind which he proceeded to tear apart. For today's post, I chose the least grisly of the shots I took.

There is an extra. The near runner up was a huge egret...I'd say at least three feet tall...catching fish from a log across Spring Lake. I watched, fascinated as he wrapped his head around behind his neck. Somehow, the egrets manage to stay the most pristine white, despite the leaves, algae, dust and dirt floating on the surface of the lake. The swans don't fare so well. they often have rings of dirt around their necks.

We were lucky to get to Spring Lake at all since Ozzie flatly refused to jump into the back of the car. We assume his hips probably hurt, although he doesn't seem to be the least bit lame and most days jumps with ease into the back, even when he has to be coaxed and cheered on. We tried borrowing a ramp from our neighbors...the ones with the Newfoundland and the Basset Hound...but he wouldn't have a thing to do with it either. something about the back of my car has spooked him, but we're not sure what it is. He rode to Spring Lake in the back seat this morning....

I walked down to the house at the end of the road to get some persimmons from Danielle. We sat on her sunny front porch and discussed food, gardens, landlords, and the sad fact that theirs is going to sell the property and they will have to move. We will certainly miss having such lively and wonderful neighbors. I don't know if the new owners will be as generous with sharing such a unique spot...

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