
By dreaming

In the doldrums

That's where I am today - nothing's been going right and I'm mighty grumpy.  For example, I took my older sister to yet another doctor appointment; she went in to sign in while I parked the car.  We waited 15 minutes, then I looked for someone who would check to see what was happening.  It turned out the pain specialist was working out of a different office on a different floor today, so we went downstairs to wait.  Twenty minutes later, I checked to see what was happening.  It turned out that my sister hadn't actually checked in, so that the specialist didn't know we had come and had left the office.  It was all a waste of time, and now I need to reschedule the appointment and take her there again.  Another exercise in futility, of which there have been too many lately.

There were some amazing cloud patterns today, and since this is Mono Monday, I thought I would post this image.  It reminds me that there is light somewhere out there.  Hope all of your days were brighter than mine.

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