Angels among us

Dear Diary,

I spend a lot of time sitting by the back door photographing the to-ing and fro-ing of the chickadees.  I don't know why I so enjoy catching a blurred image of them in flight but there it is.  This one reminded me of a little angel.  The light was just perfect.

I really don't know what I would do without my photography.  It fills my days with such joy and anticipation.  I often wonder about people who go through their lives without a passion to excite them.  A passion that makes them want to jump out of bed each day.  I think that must be a rather sad way to live.

I have been thinking about Dotty too.  It will be the first Thanksgiving I won't be calling on her to wish her a nice day but I am so thankful that I had her in my life for 20 years and I will be content with that.

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