Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight


Was invited once more by my friend to take pictures of the brainstorming he'd organised in a department of city Den Haag as a follow up of last year's kick off  he'd realised on the LGBT issue.

Altho'over the past 50 years our society has lived the emancipation of the genders and banned homosexuality from the books as mental disease since 1973 and legalised the homo/lesbian marriage since April 1st in 2001, every new generation must be taught that homosexuality is as normal and accepted by all and sexual discrimination not. So there's still work to be done in all fields of society like schools, sportclubs etc. but also in nursing homes. Many of the elderly gays and lesbians experience in their old age once again the hush and exclusion by peers when they come to live in a nursing home; so they experience again the shame and blame of their youth and many feel dreary about that; Old Pink their troubles is called now. So there's still work to be done.

Amongst the turn out were social workers (of whom some a colleague of mine, but than from another community centre) and a teacher + sportsmen and policemen and an policymaker from the council; they all will roll out new works in their fields to emancipate the community on this issue.
I enjoyed the meeting and loved taking the pictures. The light with the low sun was harsh, but fun to do.

2017/04/17... months later and I just received the report  of this meeting (the pix in it are of my hand & camera) 

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