Sunrise through the Trees

I'm glad to say I started feeling better last night. I took some Ibuprofen which helped, and even after they'd worn off I didn't feel so bad. Though this morning I was tired, very thirsty and hot, weirdly, after having been freezing for most of the past two and a half days.

I decided to call my Dad and say I'd go over there tomorrow instead of today as I didn't think I had the energy for both that and work on the same day. 

I stayed here, took this photo of the sun rising from Jae's bedroom window,  went back to sleep on the sofa for a while after Jae and Brian had gone to work, then had a lovely hot bubbly bath (Reminded me to add Lush Bath Bombs to my Christmas list!) and got my face on so I'm ready for work.

Normally I like to go to my parents on Monday as it gives me a completely free day on Tuesday other than food shopping, but I am happy to forego that this week!

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