Bomble's window seat on a frosty morning

It was a struggle to get out of bed this morning but the hard frost and clear sky made the landscape  rather beautiful. Bomble came to see me as I sat at my desk checking my emails. I like his company and most mornings he retires to bed quite early. Today he'd wanted to play and he'd been chasing a long ribbon around the dining room floor which made me laugh. He hasn't been on top form recently ever since being attacked by the nasty ginger tom. He lost his last long molar tooth in the fray and so has found eating difficult and now needs his food to be mashed up so he can lick it up.  Poor chap. Otherwise he is very well.

I hope you can also see the morning glory flower to the right of Bomble. This is the plant which self seeded this summer from the plants I grew in the spring. This plant really likes being in this position with bright sunlight all day and heat from a radiator just below the window shelf. Bomble likes the warmth too. Another flower is now unfurling ready to open tomorrow. And so it goes on. I wonder how long it can flower for in winter.

Woodpeckers has posted a similar view taken a little earlier before she went to work. The sun hadn't cleared the hilltops at that time.

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