
By Veronica

What on earth ...

... is that? I wondered when I spotted this on a grass verge. Back home the best thing to google seemed to be "fungus looks like a cauliflower". Lo and behold -- but I'm really not sure it's this. In its favour it was growing under a pine tree,  and maybe the difference in structure from other photos is because it's very small and has only just come up Apparently they be up to half a metre across, whereas this was only about 5 cm tall. I'm hoping that ceridwen can identify it -- if anyone can, it's her!

Update: sure enough, ceridwen has come up with an ID: the delightfully named dog vomit slime mould. Yum! See her comment below.

Yesterday's looong day is backblipped. I had a lie-in this morning rather than going to yoga a) because I was tired and b) I thought it a bit mean to leave handicapped S to his own devices again after abandoning him yesterday evening. I collected what looks like a year's supply of paracetamol from the pharmacy along with a massive box of bandages, and did some other shopping. It's a cold, damp day: pintade aux choux for dinner and a nice warm fire to sit by.

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