Journey Through Time

By Sue

Lesser Yellowlegs

Somebody must have been running out of ideas of what to call birds when they finally got to this bunch. The tall ones with the yellow legs can be the Greater ones and the short ones with the yellow legs can be the lesser ones.

Bill and I went to Ridgefield NWR to see what it was like in August. Pretty quiet, I must say. I really need to practice my camera skills because I sure seem to get a lot of them out of focus. I believe I am probably making a mistake by not switching lenses and using the 300 for stuff that I don't need to use it for. The wetlands were pretty dried up and even though there are a few spots with decent water, a lot of it has turned to primordial ooze. We stood and looked at the dark sludge, and watched air bubbles pop up where frogs were hiding. I guess that's what was under there. We saw a few jump now and then. A few turtles were enjoying the sun. I had a few butterfly photos, but not the best. The most activity, besides the bubbles in the ooze, was over at another mud flat area where these Yellowlegs were dining. We did see some herons but they were kind of far from us. Did see a hawk making lazy circles in the sky. We know we belong to the land and the....oh wait...sorry, I digress.

If you want to see the few photos that came out decent, mosey on over to my Flickr page for a look see.

We are curious what we will see later in the Fall as the cycle changes at Ridgefield NWR.

The pizza is ready, so must go. Take care Blippers.

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