
What a dull old first day of summer. That's ok, I did what I needed to do at work and after work I took a bold step. More of that another time.

I also visited the little pope. The little pope was at his best rolling on his tummy and showing his papal under carriage. I was surprised to learn his Auntie Kerry had just been gently stroking the papal under carriage just before I arrived. I understood it was for looking at and admiring only, lest I risk a swift and bloody retribution ;-)

The vines were planted by a previous owner who had grand ideas he could produce a decent pinot noir and reisling. You can see on the left the reisling vines are no more, pruned at ground level by the current owner. They don't do anything with them but keep them as a future owner may want to make something of them. The current owners were gifted a few bottles of pinot. They said it was awful.

The guest house I'm living in was purpose built as an office (to run the winery) and gym for the previous Mr. The lounge and dining area was his office and the bedroom his gym. All of which explains the unexpected dressing room between bedroom and the ensuite. But it works and with the addition of a kitchen by using a portion of the large attached garage makes it a perfect set up. I definitely like living smaller and with less.

Goodness me, only 2 more weeks and I'll be on the eve of moving home.

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