Gentle in Disguise

Grasses are beautiful with intricate seeds. They pack a punch is you suffer from hay fever. They take the opportunity to disperse their seeds via socks. If you're running or tramping a grass seed head in your sock will consume you will irritation.

I spent some time at home this afternoon going through room by room with the project manager and my support person. There is a list of small things to be attended to and I won't be signing off on Monday.

There is one bit of quake impact damage in the kitchen that has long irked me. It's still to be done and the project manager thinks there should be more painting too, to put right the damage and the botched job to fudge a fix last time.

It's purely cosmetic and therefore a first world problem. On the other hand I don't pay first world insurance levies for a third world solution. The additional painting the project manager has suggested would be good but I'll have to wait and see. He'll have to go back to the Earthquake Commission.  This close to Christmas it might defer sign off until the New Year. If that happens it won't interfere with me shifting home next Friday.

Being Friday that mean a 7am physio appointment. I thought I'd tweaked my calf a couple of days ago but I'm reassured it just grizzled but I haven't torn it again. I'm relieved!

Day 31 positive: Spending time at home I started to feel like I was reconnecting again. And it looks good, really good.

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