Papa and Uncle C

I had a ridiculously busy day today. I woke up stressing about it all at 6am which obviously did nothing apart from leave me tired and stressed!!
We had to fit in swimming, a visit to the shop to support the Christmas event weekend (and eat mince pies!), a Christmas fayre at Miss L's school, a Christmas fayre at Miss E's school, sledging for Mr K and Miss L with Mrs S, Mr D and Mr M at the Snozone in Milton Keynes at 4pm,  a party for Miss E at 4.30pm, a quick half hour's Christmas shopping, meeting Mr K and the others in Pizza Express for ten minutes before leaving Mr K to collect Miss E and take her back to Pizza Express for  dinner, then heading back to Buckingham for the evening do in the shop celebrating twenty one years trading. 
I was a bit shell-shocked when I got there!!!
Mr C asked me to take some pictures of the shop, the people and the celebrations. They're mostly pretty rubbish but I did love this one of him and my dad. They've been making each other laugh for forty years!!
I finally got home at about 9.15pm and was too tired even to watch Strictly. I can't remember the last time I didn't watch it on Saturday night!
I grunted at Mr K for a bit and then headed to bed.

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